EDCG Logo 96x96

Displays Center

  Gundersheim, Germany


 +49 6244 9197 100

Although problems with displays always depend on the specific combinatorics of elements, history, field of application and the like, our customers are rarely alone with a problem. As a rule, troubleshooting in the display area can be divided into several main categories.

Because pictures say more than words, a presentation and showcasing of the most common causes of errors will help if it comes to sorting the problem quickly for the first time.
Thus, a common basis is created and named, with which the problem can be solved subsequently.


If you have a question about our technologies, please feel free to contact us!

An der Weidenmühle 2
D-67598 Gundersheim

Tel. +49 (0) 6244 9197 100
Fax. +49 (0) 6244 9197 111

About Us

As a ser­vice cen­ter with a lot of locally avail­able expe­ri­ence and a broad range of ser­vices, we want to make know-​how for tech­ni­cal solu­tions avail­able selec­tively and on demand for com­pa­nies when needs be.

Our goal is a tech­nol­ogy park for high-​tech com­pa­nies in the field of applied physics


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